
— PT

Note: For Japanese translation exercises, we recommend full screen due to the way that the text is written. You may also check the translation in the text below the activity. Before looking at the Japanese translation below, please try the practice translation exercise above. While doing the translation exercise, you can check each translation by flipping over the card. If your translation was correct, (even if it wasn’t exactly what was on the screen but correct) select the check mark. To review everything after you have completed the activity, refer to the full translation below. To try this Translation from Japanese to English, see below the text.

1-I was busy washing up dishes when the phone rang.    


1-Watakushi ga shokki arai ni isogashiku shite iru to, denwa ga narimashita. 

2-The voice on the other end told me that she was a client from over a year ago and promptly started updating me on the financial status of their family.        


2-Denwa no aite wa ichi nen ijō mae kara no kokyaku de, sugusama kazoku no zaisei jōkyō no kinkyō hōkoku o shihajimemashita.

3-It was lots of great news on how they were out of debt, they had only their house to pay off and they were steadily working on increasing their savings.    


3-Sore wa, kare-ra ga shakkin o nakushita hōhō ni kansuru takusan no subarashī nyūsu de, kare-ra wa, hensai ga hitsuyō na no wa ie dake to nari, chochiku o fuyasu tame ni chakujitsu ni torikunde imashita.

4-I was congratulating her and her husband for their diligence and hard work when we got to the reason for her call.  


4-Kanojo ga denwa o shite kita riyū ga wakatta toki, kanojo to sono otto no, doryoku to kinben-sa o tataemashita. 

5-They had just found out about a “Wonderful” investment opportunity and they wanted my opinion of the company and the situation.           


5-Kare-ra wa‘ subarashī’ tōshi no kikai o eta bakari de, sono kaisha to sono jōkyō ni tsuite no watakushi no iken o nozonde ita no desu. 

6-I then calmly asked, “Okay, but have you and your husband maxed out your IRA contributions for this year?”       


6-Soshite, watakushi wa ochitsuite tazunemashita. ‘ wakarimashita. anata to danna-san wa kotoshi noIRA kyoshutsu waku o tsukaihatashimashita ka? ’

There was a pregnant pause on the other end before she meekly said, “No. "        向こう側で重い沈黙の後、彼女は恐る恐る「いいえ」と答えました。  Mukōgawa de omoi chinmoku no ato, kanojo wa osoruosoru‘ īe’ to kotaemashita.

7-“Well, before I would spend dime one on any investment, I would make sure that I had made use of the maximum allowable contributions to all the tax advantaged accounts the federal government gives us.”    


7-‘ Sō, donna tōshi ni de mo, o kane o tsuiyasu mae ni, renpō seifu kara ataerareta subete no zeisei yūgū kōza e no saidai kyoyō kyoshutsu waku o riyō suru hitsuyō ga arimasu. ’

8-I then asked her to call her accountant about what sorts of retirement accounts were available to them and verify what the allowable amounts were and to contribute to those first before launching all their savings into this other organization.             


8-Soshite watakushi wa kanojo ni, kaikei-shi ni denwa shite, kare-ra wa dono yō na shurui no taishoku kōza ga riyō kanō de, kyoyō gaku ga dore hodo aru no ka o kakunin shi, ta no kikō e subete no chochiku o tōjiru mae ni mazu wa sore-ra ni kyoshutsu suru yō ni īmashita.

9-This is the point, my friend.     


9-Anata, kore ga pointo yo.

10-I know it isn’t sexy and bold and exciting, but the accounts that are IRAs, 401k’s and 403b’s are a wonderful and steady way to invest in your future.   


10-Sore ga miryoku-teki de mo, daitan de mo wakuwaku mo shinai no wa wakatte imasu. de moIRA ya401k, 403b no kōza wa shōrai no tōshi no tame ni wa subarashiku, chakujitsu na hōhō desu.

11-Before you go for riskier investments, go with what works first!           


11-Risuku no takai tōshi o hajimeru mae ni, mazu wa kinō suru mono kara hajimemashō!

12-Go with the OBVIOUS! Are you doing the obvious?     


12-‘ Meikaku’ de ikimashō! akiraka na koto o shite imasu ka? 

13-Are you investing with accounts that are tax advantaged for you?        


13-Anata ni totte zeisei yūgū sochi no aru kōza ni tōshi shite imasu ka?

14-If you don’t even have a retirement account open, then make your first investment goal that you open one this year.       


14-Taishoku kōza o kaisetsu shite inai baai de mo, sono kōza o kotoshi kaisetsu suru koto o saisho no tōshi mokuhyō ni shimashō.

15-If you’re married make sure you have one open in both spouses names.          


15-Moshi kekkon shite irunara, kanarazu ryōhō no haigū-sha mei de kaisetsu shimashō.

16-Don’t jump at the quick buck with all your hard earned money.            


16-Kurō shite kaseida zenbu no o kane o tettori hayai mōkebanashi ni tsugikomu no wa yamemashō.

17-Go with the safer and less-sexy investments first.       


17-Anzen-sei ga takaku, sore hodo miryoku-teki de wa nai tōshi kara hajimemashō.

18-Once those have been maxed out, then look around with the extra money you have to invest in other things.    


18-Sore-ra o tsukaihatashitara hoka no mono ni tōshi suru tame no yobun na o kane o mikaeshite mimashō.

19-But, of course, you’ll chat with your accountant or financial planner about this before leaping into anything, right?       


19-Shikashi, mochiron, nan ka ni tobitsuku mae ni, kaikei-shi ya fainansharu. purannā to kono koto ni tsuite hanashi o shite kudasai ne.

20-It's the smartest thing to do. 


20-Kore ga mottomo kenmei na koto desu.