
— PT

Note: For Japanese translation exercises, we recommend full screen due to the way that the text is written. You may also check the translation in the text below the activity. Before looking at the Japanese translation below, please try the practice translation exercise above. While doing the translation exercise, you can check each translation by flipping over the card. If your translation was correct, (even if it wasn’t exactly what was on the screen but correct) select the check mark. To review everything after you have completed the activity, refer to the full translation below. To try this Translation from Japanese to English, see below the text.

1-A dentist is a specialist who can diagnose, prevent and treat all disorders related to your teeth and gums.              


1-Shikai wa ha to haguki ni kansuru subete no shikkan o shindan, yobō, chiryō suru koto ga dekiru senmon-ka desu.

2-Dental care involves the restoration and preservation of your natural teeth, filling cavities, removing rotten teeth if necessary and providing artificial teeth replacement.      


2-Ha no chiryō ni wa, tennen ba no shūfuku to iji, mushiba e no tsumemono, hitsuyō ni ōjite, dame ni natta ha no jokyo ya, jinkō  ha e no kōkan nado ga fukumaremasu.

3-Some dentists are general practitioners.            


3-Ichibu no shika-i wa ippan kaigyō-i desu.

4-General Practitioners work with preventative dentistry and use diagnostic procedures, X-rays and instruments to evaluate the condition of your teeth and gums.  


4-Ippan kaigyō-i wa yobō shika ijutsu o atsukai, shindan tejun, X-sen ya kiki o mochīte, ha to haguki no jōtai o hyōka shimasu.

5-Dentists perform checkups, take impressions for dentures, fill cavities and fit bridges.    


5-Shikai wa shindan o okonai ireba no guai o kii tari mushiba o ume burijj i no nado o okonaimasu.

6-They use a variety of dental appliances, hand instruments, and surgical implements to perform their work accurately.   


6-Kare-ra wa seikaku na sagyō o   okonau tame ni, samazama na shika-yō kiki, temochi no kigu ya  geka yō kigu o shiyō shimasu.

7-Giving anesthetics like numbing or freezing is also done by a dentist or a dental hygienist for procedures that are painful. 


7-Itami o tomonau shochi no  katei de wa, mahi ya mu     chikaku nado no masui no  shochi mo mata, shika-i ya shika eisei-shi ni yotte okonawaremasu.

8-Here are some dental specialties.         


8-Kochira ga iku-tsu ka no, shika ga senmon to suru kōmoku desu.

9-1) Oral surgeons           


9-1)kōkū geka

10-2) Periodontics (related to treating the gums)              


10-2) Shishū ryōhō, ( haguki no chiryō kanren)

11-3) Prosthodontics (making teeth or dentures)              


11-3) Shika hotei-gaku, ( ha mata wa ireba o tsukuru)

12-4) Oral pathologist (treating diseases of the mouth)   


12-4) , Kōkū byōri-gaku-sha, ( kōkū-nai no shikkan no chiryō)

13-5) Endodontics (root canal therapy)   


13-5) Shishū-byō-gaku, ( konkan chiryō)

14-6) Orthodontists (The structure of the teeth)


14-6) , Kyōsei shika-i, ( ha no kōzō)

15-7) Dental hygienists (Oral cavity hygiene)        


15-7) Shika eisei-shi, ( kōkū eisei)

16-8) Maxillofacial surgeon          


16-8) Kōkū gaku ganmen geka

17-That's a lot to choose from.   


17-Takusan no sentaku-shi ga arimasu.

18-So What Does a Dentist Do? 


18-De wa, shikai wa nan o suru no deshō ka?

19-A Dentist diagnoses and treats malformations, injuries and diseases of the teeth and oral cavity.   


19-Shikai wa ha to kōkū no henkei, kega, shikkan no shindan to chiryō o okonaimasu.

20-Dentists improve their patient's looks by using various cosmetic dental processes and sometimes the help of surgical interventions.      


20-Shikai wa shinbi shika-teki na purosesu ya, toki ni wa geka-teki na kainyū no tasuke o mochīte, kanja no gaikan o kaizen shimasu.

21-Dentists perform surgical procedures like tissue grafts, implants and extractions.          


21-Shika-i wa soshiki ishoku ya inpuranto, basshi nado no geka-teki shochi o okonaimasu.

22-They educate patients, mostly children on how to take care of their teeth and prevent cavities and oral diseases by showing how to floss and brush correctly and eat healthy foods.              


22-Karera wa, dentaru furosu ya tadashī ha no migaki kata, soshite kenkōteki na shokuji no sesshu no shikata o shimesu koto de, kanja ya, omoni kodomo-tachi ni, mushiba ya kōkū-nai no shikkan o fusegi, ha no teire o suru hōhō o shidō shimasu.

23-Dentists sometimes teach dental hygienists and future dentists.           


23-Shika-i wa toki ni wa shika eisei-shi ya shika-i o mezasu hito no kyōiku  mo okonaimasu.

24-Dentists carry out research related to developing new treatment methods and improving oral health.        


24-Shika-i wa atarashī chiryō hōhō no kaihatsu ya kōkū no kenkō no kaizen ni kansuru kenkyū o jisshi shite imasu.

25-Dental hygienists work with patients alongside the dentist to perform allot of the routine and simpler tasks.           


25-Shika eisei-shi wa shika-i no soba de, wariaterareta kantan de kimatta sagyō o  okonai, kanja ni taiō shimasu.

26-If you go to any dental practice, quite often the first person you'll encounter is a dental hygienist.            


26-Moshi anata ga shika iin ni  iku to suru to, taitei, saisho ni deau no wa shika eisei-shi desu.

27-Dental hygienists are specialists who take care of your teeth, gums and oral cavity.      


27-Shika eisei-shi wa ha ya haguki, kōkū  no teire o suru senmon-ka desu.

28-A dental hygienist will clean and polish your teeth using tiny dental tools such as the mirror, tooth scraper for plaque removal and special toothbrush.


28-Shika eisei-shi wa, kagami, shikō           jokyo-yō no ya, tokushu na ha burashi nado, chotto shita        shikayō tsūru o shiyō shite ha o kirei ni migakimasu.

29-They also perform flossing to remove very tiny food particles from your teeth.              


29-Kare-ra wa mata, anata no ha kara hijō ni chīsana tabekasu o jokyo suru tame ni, dentaru furosu o tsukaimasu.

30-They'll check your dental cavities by taking x-rays of your teeth.           


30-Kare-ra wa anata no ha no X sen shashin o toru koto de, mushiba o kakunin shimasu.

31-After checking your teeth for cavities, they'll recommend the needed treatment to you and your dentist and may refer to a specialist if necessary.            


31-Mushiba ga nai ka ha o chekku shita ato, anata to anata no shika-i ni hitsuyō na chiryō o susume, hitsuyō ni ōjite senmon-ka ni sōdan suru baai mo arimasu.