
— PT

(Please note: This article was written several years ago and the information is not current.) For Japanese translation exercises, we recommend full screen due to the way that the text is written. You may also check the translation in the text below the activity. Before looking at the Japanese translation below, please try the practice translation exercise above. While doing the translation exercise, you can check each translation by flipping over the card. If your translation was correct, (even if it wasn’t exactly what was on the screen but correct) select the check mark. To review everything after you have completed the activity, refer to the full translation below. To try this Translation from Japanese to English, see below the text.

1-In a surprise move, Democrats and Republicans have written a bill threatening China with a heavy tariff increase on its exports to the United States  


1-Yosō-gai no tenkai desu. minshu-tō to kyōwa-tō wa, Amerika-muke no yushutsu e no omoi kanzei no hikiage de, Chūgoku o obiyakasu hō an o kaite imasu.

2-That is unless Beijing ceases intentional manipulation of the yuan and agrees to strengthen the currency significantly against the dollar in the near future.     


2-Kore wa, Pekin ga jinmin gen no ito-teki na sōsa o yame, chikai shōrai, doru ni taishite ōhaba ni tsūka o kyōka suru koto ni dōi surunara hanashi wa betsu desu.

3-Currently, three US Senators Charles Schumer of New York, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma are in China on a fact finding mission.      


3-Genzai, 3-nin no Amerika no jōin giin, Nyūyōku no Chāruzu. Shū Mā, Sausukaroraina no Rinzei. Guramu, Okurahoma no Tomu. Kobān wa jijitsu chōsa no ninmu no tame ni Chūgoku ni imasu.

4-Depending on what they uncover there, the three senators may put the tariffs to a congressional vote by the end of the month.       


4-Kare-ra ga soko de akiraka ni suru koto shidai de, 3-nin no jōin giin wa, getsu Matsu made ni, kanzei o gikai de no tōhyō ni kakeru ka mo shiremasen. 

5-Why is the valuing of China’s currency so important to these senators and the US?         


5-Naze Chūgoku no tsūka no kachi ga Amerika to sore ra Jōin giin ni totte jūyōna nodeshou ka?

6-The senators are arguing that China is manipulating and unfairly undervaluing its currency by 40%.


6-Jōin giin-tachi wa Chūgoku ga tsūka o sōsa shite ite, futō ni tsūka o yon juu pāsento sagete iru to shuchō shite imasu.

7-The senators are also saying that this has led to a major loss of jobs within their states and a $202 billion trade deficit with China.    


7-Jōin giin-tachi wa mata, kare-ra no shū de no ōku no shitsugyō o hikiokoshi, Chūgoku to no bōeki akaji2020 oku doru ni tsunagatta to itte imasu.

8-The senators have made it clear that if China refuses to allow a significant revaluing of its currency then they will bring forward the Schumer Graham China Free Trade bill that will levy a hefty 27.5% tariff across the board on all imports from China.   


8-Jōin giin-tachi wa, moshi Chūgoku ga, ichijirushī tsūka no kawase kijun kagaku kiriage o kanō ni shinakere ba, Chūgoku kara no yunyū-hin no subete ni ichiritsu 27.5% no omoi kanzei o kasu koto to naru, Shū Mā. Guramu. Chūgoku jiyū bōeki hō an o teishutsu suru koto o akiraka ni shimashita.

9-The US Senators also boldly proclaimed that they have enough votes to get the bill passed quite easily and also to overturn a presidential veto.        


9-Amerika no jōin giin-tachi wa daitan ni mo, kare-ra wa hō an o kantan ni tsūka sase, katsu, daitōryō no kyohi-ken o kutsugaesu tame no jūbun na hyō o motte iru to kōgen shimashita.

10-Senator Graham stated that he wanted to see China adhere to global trade rules and emphasized his point by saying “The best way, I believe, to have stability to bring about real reform is to adopt rules where everyone will play the same.”       


10-Guramu jōin giin wa, Chūgoku ga sekai no bōeki rūru o junshu suru koto o nozonde iru to nobe, sarani, ‘ saizen no hōhō to shite, watashi ga omou ni, shin no kaikaku o jitsugen saseru tame no antei-sei o kakuho suru ni wa, dare mo ga onaji yō ni kōdō suru rūru o saiyō suru koto desu. ’ to yū ten o kyōchō shimashita.

11-He went on to say “If you want instability, have one group doing it this way; another group doing it that way. My goal is to sell the idea that stability is best achieved when all the countries play by the same rules."            


11-Soshite tsuzukete kō īmashita. ‘ moshi fu antei-sa o nozomunara, hito-tsu no gurūpu wa kono hōhō de, hoka no gurūpu wa ano hōhō de to shimashō. watashi no mokuhyō wa, subete no kuni ga kyōtsū no rūru no moto de kōdō suru toki, mottomo yoku antei-sei ga tamotareru no da to yū aidea o urikomu koto desu. ’

12-The senators are putting up a strong and united front while in China, but meanwhile the Bush administration has made it clear that they oppose import tariffs.     


12-Sono jōin giin-tachi wa Chūgoku ni iru aida ni, kyōryoku na kyōdō sensen o harimasu ga, sono kan ni Busshu seiken ga yunyū kanzei ni hantai shite iru koto o akiraka ni shimasu.

13-Specifically the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve have voiced opposition to these bills.      


13-Tsumari, zaimu-shō to renpō junbi seido wa kore-ra no hō an e no hantai o hyōmei shita no desu.

14-Many economists in the US fear that if this bill is passed China could retaliate triggering a trade war that would send the US Dollar into a downward spiral.


14-Amerika no ōku no keizai-gaku-sha wa kono hō an ga kaketsu sarere ba, bōeki sensō o hikiokoshi, Chūgoku ga hōfuku, Amerika doru ga fu no supairaru ni ochīru no de wa to osorete imasu.

15-Others are concerned that China could also sell off its huge holding of US Treasury Bonds causing US interest rates to sky rocket.   


15-Chūgoku ga hoyū shite iru kyogaku no Beikoku sai o baikyaku shi Amerika no kinri no Kyūtō o hikiokosu kanōsei ni tsuite mo, kenen suru hito ga imasu.

16-Many people in the US and international community are viewing this recent set of threats as political posturing to address an audience concerned about job losses in the United States.               


16-Amerika, oyobi kokusai shakai no ōku no hitobito wa, kono saikin no ichiren no kyōi o, Amerika de no shitsugyō o kenen suru chōshū ni muketa, seiji-teki shisei de aru to toraete imasu.